For the past year and a half, since The Civee and I moved into our house, I’ve been taking the same way in to work every morning. I drive down a one-way street and most mornings, I have to stop at a light. The light is located near a washer-dryer repair shop, with some equipment in the window.
A few weeks ago (back when I was driving in the dark), I stopped at the light and saw something new in the window.
There was a dude with really big hair behind the machines, probably fixing them or something. I go in around 7:10 in the morning, and while it was kind of early, I guess it’s never too early to repair a washer/dryer combo. That was the last morning that my commute was normal.
The next day, I was stopped at the light and looking over, noticed the dude was still there. Only, it wasn’t a dude- it was a mannequin. And I was stopped right where he was looking at me with his ominous mannequin eyes. Ever since, I’ve been majorly creeped out by the mannequin and the big hair. It’s not great, but here’s a closer look:
In the past, there have been mornings when I was still a little bit asleep when arriving at work. But since noticing the mannequin, I haven’t had to deal with that. This mannequin is better than ten cups of coffee.
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