Getting around with two kids isn’t easy, especially at first.
Before Luke was born, The Civee and I got a sit-and-stand style double stroller (thanks Grandma). It’s great for places we do a lot of walking. But it’s also heavy and not easily maneuverable. For situations where a double (or single) stroller would be overkill, we also have a Moby (no relation to the bald singer (thank The Civee for that line)) wrap, essentially a long piece of fabric you wrap around your body a number of times and then just stick the baby in.
We had tried a carrier with Hope, but she wasn’t into it because she liked to move a lot and because we think we didn’t start her in it early enough. So we’ve been using it frequently over the past two weeks with Luke and he’s gotten used to it- a little fussing at first, then eventually he falls asleep.
The first few times, The Civee would don the Jedi robe-like wrap and walk around with Luke snugly secured to her body. But earlier this week when visiting a park where we knew we’d want to go off-trail, she offered me the chance to carry Luke in the wrap. I have to admit at first I resisted, for reasons I’m not even sure of. But then I thought, “hey, I’m a father, I can do this.” So with The Civee’s help, we twisted the wrap around my body (I don’t see how anyone could get the thing on without help) and stuck Luke in next to my chest.
It was different. But pretty comfortable. I felt like I had to hold him with one of my arms, even though he was secure within the hundreds of feet of fabric (or so it felt) I had wrapped around my body. My only complaint was that the thing got hot. But then again, in 90-degree weather, anything would be hot.
Even though the orange wrap and blue shirt I was wearing are the colors of the Mets, I can’t complain. At least we didn’t get a red or pink one.
I would happily carry Luke around in a wrap again. Although, I wouldn’t do it if it were just him and I. I could never get the wrap on without someone else’s help.
We had trouble with the Moby wrap thing. It just ended up being too much trouble and she never felt secure. I just got a “normal” baby carrier and it works much better. It’s easier for both of us to use and just feels safer…and Penny loves it.
Interesting. See, I think I felt safer with the Moby than the carrier- our carrier was a back carrier and we used it with Hope between 6 months and a year- it always felt weird. I was always paranoid whether or not she was breathing back there. I guess it’s just a combination of what the parents and kids prefer.