Hello there

Well, I’m still working with this.

I like the blue-ness of the page, but I have a lot to learn about stylesheets (or the manipluation of pre-made style sheets), so this layout/look may change whenever I feel like it (or decide to fool around).

As I mentioned earlier, I’d like to thanks djl for helping me with this (and you’re probably my only audience at this point, but oh well) and for introducing me to Gimp, an image manipulation program that’s pretty kick ass. I used it to make the logo at the top of this very blog, which is much more “solid-state” than the web site logo I did for my page back in ’96:

Old School Logo

Ohhhh…a transparency!! That is pretty solid-state for ’96!

Anyway, creating this blog gave me something to do this weekend. Not that I didn’t do anything else this weekend, because I did (I’ll save that story for another time) . But my betrothed, “The Civee” (she says that’s what “they” call her) is in Canada for the next week, and I just felt like I needed something to do.

I’d ramble more, but I don’t think this could get any more pointless.


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