Reading is Fundamental

I was in a conversation recently with The Civee and the in-laws about reading. 

The Civee’s mother, who does a lot of work raising money for her neighborhood library, mentioned that it’s reccomended that people get in three hours of reading per week.  Books and newspapers count.  Most things on the Internet, including “blog-stuff,” doesn’t.  So if you’ve been taking your time at the Kingdom, enjoying my observations and witticisms, your time spent here may not count.

I easily spend a few hours (more than three, less than, say, six) each week reading.  And I’m not counting  the time spent wasting time on the Web.  I’m also not counting the number of hours I spend at work reading and proofreading material.  That gets to be mind-numbing and I almost need to read non-work material (outside of work, of course) just to get my mind on the right track.

Give a hoot, read a book!

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