A few weeks ago, a household item The Civee and I own broke.
Because I’d still like some help getting it fixed, I’m not going to identify the item or manufacturer. Let me just say it’s not something used indoors, took some time to put together, and not every family/homeowner wants (or uses) one of these. Despite the fact the item is used outdoors, I think the cold temperatures we had the past few months had something to do with it’s breaking. The screws in the picture to the right are part of the problem- they just snapped in half.
Anyway, after trying to fix it myself to no avail, I decided to e-mail the manufacturer. I used a form on their Website, listed the item and explained what happened and listed the broken parts (using the names in their instruction manual).
I was actually surprised to receive a response within 24 hours. I was a bit puzzled, however, by the second line of the e-mail:
Good Afternoon,
Do you have internet access?
I’m not quite sure what they were getting at, considering I used my computer and Internet connection to e-mail them in the first place.
Anyway, the rest of the e-mail was asking if I could send some pictures of the broken pieces, which I did. But that was a few days ago. I haven’t yet received a reply. I’m thinking either they sent the pictures to the lab to get to determine how to fix what’s broken, or that they’re upset I never answered the “do you have internet access?” question.
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