Dude 1: You’re still trying to prove me wrong, aren’t you?
Dude 2: You are wrong.
Dude 1: They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.
Dude 2: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress.
And so began tonight’s episode of Lost, the final episode of Season 5, The Incident. If anyone has any idea what happened, I’d like to know.
I had to watch that opening scene of tonights episode more than once. I felt like there were a lot of hints involved in the conversation between Jacob and the adversary. Between that and all the flashbacks involving Jacob and characters we’ve known for a while, it almost felt like we were watching a different show. And with the ambigious ending of tonight’s two-hour Lost extravaganza, we Lost fans are left wondering whether it will even be the same show that returns in February of 2010. Not to mention we’re all stuck counting down the days for some answers. I’m sure the creators of Lost wouldn’t have it any other way.
So Jacob’s been around a while. He lives under the statue (or as some might say, in the shadow of the statue). He can leave the island at will and has healing powers. Through various methods, he brings people to the island. And he shares the island with the adversary who wants to kill him, but because of some nebulous agreement, can’t. It’s hinted that the adversary doesn’t always appreciate Jacob’s bringing people to the island and has a low opinion of mere mortals. But he’s more than happy to use them for his nefarious means.
Well, Jacob has brought these people to the island for a reason (the aforementioned progress). How that fits in with the incident at the Swan site and all the other assorted happenings on the island is anyone’s guess. One of the many things we’ll have to wait until next February for.