Today, The Civee and I took a mini-road trip to Northwest Ohio. For dinner, we stopped in the city of Bowling Green to eat at a place I’ve eaten a few times before, Samb’s. While not anything I’d call fancy, it’s a nice quiet place with a varied menu and real good food.
Near our table there was a party of five and unforutnately, The Civee and I heard more of their conversation than we wanted to. Two of the five were loud talkers, with most of their comments echoing a common theme. See if you can pick up on what it was, judging by these choice quotes:
No salad bar? You should see the salad stuff they have at the Golden Corral.
The Golden Corral doesn’t have this much seafood at their buffet.
We don’t have to wait this long for our food at the Golden Corral. (the wait really wasn’t that long.)
You get a bigger piece of meat at the Golden Corral. (I had no problem with the portion size.)
There were a few other references along these lines. But I’m guessing the loud talkers don’t really eat at non-buffet establishments all that often. I”m just glad the food was good and I have a sense of humor. Otherwise, something like that could have ruined my dinner.
Golden Corral is bad. It’s a crazy Bizzaro Buffet. And it’s just not that good. Bleck.
What we really need in this town is a Denny’s. There are no Denny’s inside 270. The selection of 24-hour establishments with a full menu are limited.
If Tommy’s was 24 hours, it’d be perfect.