In an e-mail exchange earlier today, I was talking with my associate Don about 24 and Lost (some spoilers for both shows may follow)
And I said:
If Jack Bauer took the place of Jack (from LOST), in the scene from the episode two weeks ago (with beardo), then the Others would have been wiped off the face of the island.
to which Don responded:
He wouldn’t need to build an army, HE IS AN ARMY… of course by this point… he probably would have also wiped out Sawyer, Locke, and Charlie and he would have slept with and broke up with Kate and Anna Luisa.
OK I just got a theme now….
1. If Edgar was on the island instead of Hurley.. he would have rewired the hatch computer to show the exact location of the island and downloaded Tetris to pass the time
2. If Audrey was on the island instead of Kate, the Others would never have captured her because she wouldn’t go in the woods because she always follows instructions even when they are stupid
3. If Curtis was on the island instead of Sa’id.. nothing much would change because they are kind of the same character.
Which got me thinking of the following:
-If Clohe was on the island instead of Sun, Jin would be the most timid husband in the world.
-If George Mason was on the island instead of Locke (pre-contamination Mason), no one would know about the hatch, the plane, or where Boone’s body was located.
-If Marwan were on the island instead of Beardo, there would be five bazillion Others on the island, working in groups of ten, each working on another layer of the same plan.
-If Chase were on the island instead of Charlie, he wouldn’t really be able to play the guitar, now would he?
-If Agent Baker were on the island instead of Jin, well, um…they’re the same dude. At least Jin would be able to speak English.
-If Tony were on the island instead of Eko, he wouldn’t beat people with the Jesus stick. Instead, he’d use the Cubs mug.
-If Chappelle were on the island instead of Sawyer, well, um…I really don’t see any changes.
Anyone else have any ideas for other Island-CTU switcheroos?
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