Note to self: Send Rivers a Crock Pot

For various reasons, I’m not a fan of the “New York” Times.

The paper that claims to get behind the news has turned out a feature story on Rivers Cuomo that really doesn’t go anywhere. I suppose it may be interesting for the masses, but there are only four interesting bits (to me) in the whole article:

-Rivers is into Jane Austen. Great! So is the Civee! Maybe they can form a book club.

-It doesn’t really sound like it’s the end for weezer:

Remarking on rumors that his enrollment at Harvard means the end of Weezer, he said, “After graduation, I’ll be able to make a better commitment to the band.”

-Rivers just ended the interview:

With that, he politely asked to be excused and left to find out if the dining hall was still serving lunch.

-And finally, this is the first time I’ve seen it official that Rivers is getting married. Even though I don’t see him getting into the wedding planning, good for him! Congratulations Riv-Dog!

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