Three days…

…until the Yankees play the Devil Rays in Tampa.

Well, actually, something else is happening on Saturday.

I’m getting married. Strangely, I don’t feel nervous, just a strange mixture of calm and excitement.

Because of the goings-on, I won’t be around Internet land for a while. And it’ll take a week or two to get cable and Internet at the new place, so this may be the last Kingdom update for a while.

Even though I won’t be around, the core principles of the kingdom will stand. Those principles being:

-Weezer rocks (and is not broken up).
-The Yankees Rule (And Jack Nicholson can wear whatever cap he wants)
-You don’t mess with Jack Bauer (and to those of you looking for the First Lady of Cleavage, thanks for visiting!)
-Flight 815 crashed onto an island of Homer Simpson worshippers
(Pneumatic Tubes are the only thing that make sense on mystery island)

I thought I had more to say than that, but I don’t. So, I’ll see you all soon. And I’ll leave you with the immortal words of Dr. Frasier Crane, which spell out my views on this weekend:

You know, on the way over, I decided to listen to a rock station to get into the mood. And I heard a line in one of those tribal passages that I thought was the keynote for this evening. “Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody Wang Chung tonight.”

My new hero

A few weeks ago, the Civee and I watched Chinatown. We weren’t impressed. My faith in Jack Nicholson, however, is restored after reading this (from contact music):

Lifelong New York Yankees fan Jack Nicholson refused to wear a baseball cap sporting the badge of his team’s rivals for his role as a Boston, Massachusetts, gangster…Director Martin Scorsese suggested the movie legend wear a Boston Red Sox cap for one pivotal scene, but backed down when New Yorker Nicholson insisted he wouldn’t wear the head gear out of loyalty to the Yankees.

Works for me. Red Sox fans have already proven to me that they can’t handle the truth.

You take you and your 75 cent shirt to the movies

The last month has seen two of my favorite wrestlers say goodbye to the business.

A few weeks ago, the WWF/WWE released Kurt Angle.

Now, The Rock is saying he’ll never wrestle again. From insidepulse:

Is The Rock done with wrestling? According to reports at WrestlingObserver and PWInsider from Dwayne Johnson’s appearance on ESPN2’s “Cold Pizza” this morning, the answer is yes. On the show, he said that he had no plans to return to wrestling even though he misses performing in front of the live crowds, since he has accomplished all he could in the sport that he loved and grew up in. The Rock went on to say that he wanted new challenges, and realized four years ago it was time to move on.

Even in limited doses, like his last appearance, at WrestleMania XX, where he had a few weeks exposure prior to the event, the Rock is gold. He had a great interview before the match, and an amazing match (for a 2-on-3 tag match).

And Angle could wrestle a baseball bat and put on a great show.

Between the two of them, Chris Jericho retiring, and Chris Benoit jobbing to Bradshaw, I don’t have much to look forward to. Good thing I don’t watch every week like I used to.

All you people up there in City Hall

A new red light camera went up on a major street near where I live.

The city has been putting in a lot of these cameras lately. Usually, I wouldn’t think anything of it, especially since I’m moving in less than a month.

However, the camera is pointed right at the spot where a fitness club holds some intereting promotions periodically.

I hope that’s not an abuse of power or anything.

Jack Bauer thanks NO academy

Last night, for the first time in a long time, I watched an Awards Show.

There was nothing else on, other than the Emmys on NBC and watching it seemed like a couple-y thing to do.

Having Conan host it made it bearable. But what made it worth it was The Office winning Best Comedy, 24 winning Best Drama and Jack Bauer Kiefer Sutherland winning Best Actor honors. Usually, I don’t care about these things, but it’s nice to see the shows I watch get recognized.

I don’t see Jack trading in his magical cell phone for an Emmy trophy, but I do think sometime during the next season, they should work in a scene where Jack beats up some evil-doer with a trophy of some kind.

I should note that all this attention drawn to 24 has been good for Web traffic to the kingdom. In the past day, I’ve gotten a buttload of hits from google for people searching for Jean Smart +cleavage.

To quote the janitor who walked in on Frank Drebin while he was changing in the umpire’s locker room, “sorry, fellas.”

All these hits make me wonder about the hits I’d get should I write about other female celebrities. Could you imagine the numbers I’d get if I wrote about Annie Potts’ ankles? Or Sally Field’s earlobes? Or Lisa Loeb’s inner elbows?

It boggles the mind.

Planetary Re-Alignment

So a bunch of scientists get together and destroy a planet.

Well, not really. That would require one of the Death Stars. But Pluto is no longer classified as a planet.

I’m looking forward to the day when I can tell my kids “Back when I was your age, there were nine planets in our solar system!” It will be the “walked nine miles in the snow uphill” of our generation.

This story reminds me of something I came across a while back, the Top 10 scientifically feasible ways to destroy the earth.

An article like that sounds like it should have scary music in the background, but no, there’s only scientific theories.

And no Death Star.


So yesterday was the second annual Summer Slam fiesta at Iron Mike’s CribZoneTM.

It was a good show, with some conusing booking. Two moments still put a smile on my face a day later:

-Ric Flair shouting out a loud “WHACK!” while punching Mick Foley.

-Vince and Shane McMahon nailing Shawn Michaels with (in succession) the Demolition Decapitation, Hart Attack and whatever the Legion of Doom’s finisher was called.

Those two events made that pay-per-view.

Old Timey, Big Timey

Congratulations to fellow Jamootzer ‘Dangerous’ DJL for being mentioned in a story on on simulated baseball leagues.

I also belong to the Ohio Old Time Strat-o-matic League (as the Yankees, naturally), and it’s nice to see our little old timey league make the big time. It’s also nice to see something that djl worked so hard on get some recognition.

The league is fun and things like this make absorbing all the jokes from the peanut gallery of my life worth it.