Yesterday, I was asked my prediction on something.
I haven’t been able to get this out of my head:
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Some people have way too much time on their hands
Yesterday, I was asked my prediction on something.
I haven’t been able to get this out of my head:
The airplane. Baseball. The Internet.
These are just a few things among the many that the genius of American Inventors has given to the world. And the hits just keep on coming. For example, MeatCards, business cards made out of beef jerky. The people behind MeatCards use laser beams to etch information into a slab of beef jerky, turning it from a delicious piece of food into a delicious piece of food containing potentially useful (or non-useful, depending on what you do) business information.
Of course, the safety of eating laser-etched beef jerky may be debatable, as Jason Kincaid at TechCrunch found out:
I haven’t receieved my MeatCards yet, and thus have been unable to taste the goods for myself. But I have been assured that they should in theory be edible, albeit with a strange laser-burnt aftertaste. That said, the guys behind MeatCards seem to be interested in finding a way to mark the cards with “Do Not Eat” to make it clear that they don’t want you to eat them – it just opens them up to too many possible legal problems and regulations. But they can’t stop you from doing it.
It’s probably not just concerns over eating super-heated beef jerky. Would you really want to eat a piece of jerky handed to you by someone who’s been carrying it around in his or her back pocket all day?
Regardless, I still think it’s a great idea.
The Kingdom hasn’t been this popular since a picture of my foot ruled the Chinese version of Google.
Today, I noticed an increased amount of traffic resulting from Google searches for the words Jack Bauer Mad Cow. So I did a little googling of my own, and the number one site for those four words is the Kingdom (specifically, yesterday’s review of 24).
So for at least today, we here at the Kingdom are the number one in the world for something.
I didn’t even see this race on my ballot!
I’m kind of disappointed that Lando picked Chewbacca as his running mate. I always thought Lobot was the real one who got things done in Cloud City. Maybe he’s the one really running the campaign.
I should say, Billy Dee is looking much better than the last time I saw him.
My associate Iron Mike e-mailed me this thought-provoking question:
After seeing the uncoordinated mess that was the attack on the first Death Star,
and seeing the pilots of the Rebel Alliance make literally every tactical
mistake in the book resulting the destruction of the entire attacking force save
for a few ships, my question is:Did pilots of Rebel Alliance ever, at any point, receive even the smallest
amount of remedial combat training?
I thought that was an awesome question. My answer would be not necessarily (at least in terms of remedial combat training). With Star Wars written in the aftermath of the Vietnam conflict, George Lucas wanted to show how a mighty technologically-advanced empire could be brought down by amateurs with nothing more than scrapped-together equipment and hope.
The planets of the rebellion, for the most part, weren’t in open rebellion. They supported the alliance through backdoor means, with individuals joining the rebel armed forces. Those with combat training, or who served in the Clone Wars, were usually higher-ups in the military command. For the most part, the cannon fodder of the alliance was made up of idealistic youngsters who were fit into the roles that best suited them. Those who could pilot a craft were made pilots. Those who could stand around pointing guns at a door poised to blow open were the guys who got gunned down at the beginning of Episode IV. Look at Luke Skywalker, he didn’t have any particular spacecraft training, yet, because he could fly, he was made a pilot. I think it’s safe to assume that considering he wanted to go to the “academy,” he had no formal combat training. Yet he was the pilot that brought the Death Star down.
Continue reading “Two Fighters Against a Star Destroyer?” →
The first entry in this edition of Some People Have Way Too Much Time On Their Hands is Lost related. Creative, but I could only stand a few seconds:
Our second entry is of a former base baller who has a lot of pictures of himself on his Web site. Too bad I’m not in the area anymore, I’d go for a batting lesson with the Balb:
Hello out there in Internet land.
Things have been slowly busy around here. Work is keeping me occupied and distracted from my plans for world domination.
In the some people have way too much time on their hands category, I found this entertaining look at the first season of Lost:
It’s not too spoilerish, and you’ll definitely get it if you’ve seen the first season. There are so many different reasons why that rules.
And as one of the seven signs of the apocalypse, Wham! may or may not be getting back together:
He said he was persuaded to make the 95-minute film George Michael: A Different Story after Andrew Ridgeley who starred alongside him in the 1980s band agreed to talk on camera about their experiences for the first time in 20 years.
At least Andrew Ridgeley is finally getting his name back in the news.
Because it’s on tonight:
When I think of justice, unity and world peace, the Dragon usually isn’t the first person who comes to mind. But I guess it’s good that these people can agree on something: