Turtle Soup

This new thing called eating dinner continues for Hope.  This week, we started her on green beans, which she doesn’t like as much as the squash.  Sweet potatoes are up next, and we’re hoping that because of their sweet flavor, consistency and similarity to squash, Hope will like them as well.

We had some questions about feeding issues, especially with a child with a cleft palate, so met with our team at Children’s Hospital yesterday. They assured us she’s looking good and is growing well.  Her next surgery will be scheduled for early next year.  After that, they usually start speech therapy, since babies with cleft palates have issues with speech because their mouths aren’t able to make certain sounds.

This past week has brought a bunch of firsts for Hope.  She went on a swing and down a slide over the weekend.  We heard her first ga- and ba- vocalizations today.

We call Hope our action adventure girl.  The Civee says Hope lives life like she’s on fire.  There’s never a dull moment when she’s awake and in a good mood.

Now that she’s six months old, I’ve been told to expect firsts on a near-daily basis.  But I don’t mind if she just hangs out and enjoys life.  But knowing Hope, we doubt she’ll sit still.

Hope Muscles In On Our Territory

I’ve mentioned before that the Civee and I really like artichokes.  Unfortunately, it looks like we’re going to have to learn how to share.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been feeding Hope food (real food) as we take our sup (special thanks to my over-the-shoulder editor for that word choice).  Hope started out with rice cereal and oat cereal.  We added a vegetable to the oat cereal, starting with peas, then moving on to avocado, and last week, squash.

Each day, Hope’s eating skills grew–where the first few days, it seemed as if she ended up wearing more of her food than she ate, pretty soon, she was getting most of it in her mouth.  And it also seemed as if she enjoyed each food progressively more.  When we started the squash, we really got the feeling that she enjoyed her food- possibly for the first time getting more out of the vegetable than the oat cereal.

So The Civee and I decided to start her on one of our favorite vegetables- an artichoke.  While I stuffed and baked an artichoke for the Civee and I, I steamed some artichoke hearts and pureed them for Hope.  We gave them to her along with some squash, totally bypassing the oat cereal for the first time.

Unfortunately (for us), Hope really enjoyed the artichokes.  And I don’t think we’ll be able to keep them from her for much longer.  As I’ve mentioned before, she’s crawling all over the house making us put our childproofing plans into place a lot sooner than we expected.  Not only is she crawling now, but she’s also starting to pull herself up to things.  Yesterday, I saw her crawl up to a toy basket and pull herself up, curious to see what was inside.

She’s strong, she’s coordinated and she’s smart.  It’s going to be tough to hide artichokes (or anything else) from her.

Tragic Girl Adds a New Twist To Old Weezer

The official release date for Weezer’s Pinkerton Deluxe and Death to False Metal is a little more than two weeks away. But some of the new material for both albums is already out there. Seattle’s 107.7 The End is streaming Autopilot and The Odd Couple off Death To False Metal (both from the sessions for 2008’s The Red Album), along with a live version of El Scorcho and the newly-discovered Pinkerton-era track Tragic Girl from Pinkerton Deluxe.

I’m still in the process of listening (haven’t heard Tragic Girl yet) but I like what I hear so far.  Have a listen for yourself at blogs.1077theend.com/aharms/2010/10/14/new-music-weezer-from-death-to-false-metal-pinkerton-re-issue-here-stream/

Edit: I’ve listened to the three new songs a few (to be honest, more than a few) times and I’m happy.  Odd Couple is a sweet little number and Autopilot is a riff-driven new wave tune with a great bridge and interesting lyrics.

But the gem here is Tragic Girl.  I’m not 100 percent sure of the details, but the song was recorded in the summer of either 1996 (while recording some of the Pinkerton B-Sides, after the album proper was complete) or the following summer (for the Pink Triangle remix sessions).  Original bassist Matt Sharp did not play, as he was off galavanting with the Rentals.  Thematically, Tragic Girl fits in with the end of Pinkerton and would have fit in as either the second-to-last or last track.  The solo echoes that of Pink Triangle and the lyrics reference Butterfly. The song is a bit rough, and probably would have been edited had it been officially released.  But as it is, with its raw energy and emotion, it fits in perfectly with Pinkerton and is an amazing listen, even though we’ve had to wait 14 years for it.

Six Months With Hope

On April 13 of this year, The Civee and I had a baby (The Civee was the one who did all the work, but I’ve been told I helped a lot).

Now today, a half-year later, that baby is still alive and growing.  It hasn’t been entirely easy, but it’s been a lot of fun.  After being warned before her birth that being born with a cleft lip and palate might mean she would face struggles, especially with development, we’ve been amazed at how healthy and happy she is.  Rather than the stories we heard of a cleft baby who struggled with eating eat, we can’t stop her from eating (since a few weeks ago, she gets nearly all of her food into her mouth and her repertoire now includes avocado). Her first surgery is out of the way, her splints, stitches and stents are off and it’s hard to tell that this little baby has been through so much already.

But for a six-month-old, she’s thriving.  She doubled her birth weight.  A month ago.  She can crawl.  Across a room.  And she laughs.  At my jokes.

We have a feeling she’s going to be standing soon and after that, there will be no stopping her.

The Civee and I (and Hope) couldn’t have made it this far without the support of family and friends who have helped out, both in person, and through their long-distance assistance.  We appreciate everyone listening to us talking about her (yeah, I know it’s kind of annoying, but with Lost and 24 off the air, I need something to write about).

And to wrap things up, we have (surprise) another video.  It’s just Hope playing around (with me providing some encouragement).  Nothing too exciting, but it’ll give you an idea what she’s up to.

Because People Like To Say Salsa

Last week, I went to a n Italian place here in Columbus and was befuddled by an item on the sandwich menu:

I don’t know what’s more odd- the melting cheese or the salsa on a meatball sandwich that clearly has none. It’s probably just a case of false advertising. After all, salsa is America’s favorite condiment.

GEORGE: Why don’t they have salsa on the table?

JERRY: What do you need salsa for?

GEORGE: Salsa is now the number one condiment in America.

JERRY: You know why? Because people like to say “salsa.” “Excuse me, do
you have salsa?” “We need more salsa.” “Where is the salsa? No salsa?”

GEORGE: You know it must be impossible for a Spanish person to order
seltzer and not get salsa. (Angry) “I wanted seltzer, not salsa.”

JERRY: “Don’t you know the difference between seltzer and salsa?? You
have the seltezer after the salsa!”

Dinnertime for Hope

This week, Hope started eating real food.

She’s been eating rice cereal and oat cereal for a few weeks.  Now that she has her stitches and stents out, we were told we can start her on other types of food.  So I pureed some green peas.  Yesterday, our first attempt didn’t go so well.  After the fifth or sixth spoonful, she got crabby.  But tonight, she liked them a bit better.  Sure, a lot of the peas ended up in places other than her mouth, but she seemed to have fun.  See for yourself:

Tonight peas, next week, steak!

Official Pinkerton Deluxe, Death to False Metal Tracklists Revealed

Two weeks ago, I posted news of possible track lists for Weezer’s upcoming November 2 albums, the Pinkerton Deluxe reissue and Death to False Metal, a collection of unreleased Weezer tracks.

Today, in separate venues, the label has published official tracklists for both albums, confirming most of what we already knew.

First, from the official Pinkerton Deluxe press release, here’s that album’s tracklist:

Original Album:

Tired Of Sex
No Other One
Why Bother?
Across The Sea
The Good Life
El Scorcho
Pink Triangle
Falling For You

B-Sides and More:
You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
The Good Life (Radio Remix)
Waiting On You
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams
The Good Life (Live and Acoustic)
Pink Triangle (Radio Remix)
I Swear It’s True*
Pink Triangle (Live and Acoustic)

You Won’t Get With Me Tonight*
The Good Life (Live at Y100 Sonic Session)*
El Scorcho (Live at Y100 Sonic Session)*
Pink Triangle (Live at Y100 Sonic Session)*
Why Bother? (Live at Reading Festival 1996)*
El Scorcho (Live at Reading Festival 1996)*
Pink Triangle (Live at Reading Festival 1996)*
The Good Life (Live at X96)
El Scorcho (Live and Acoustic)*
Across The Sea Piano Noodles*
Butterfly (Alternate Take)*
Long Time Sunshine*
Getting Up And Leaving*
Tired Of Sex (Tracking Rough)*
Getchoo (Tracking Rough)*
Tragic Girl*

*Previously unreleased

Looks like we’re not getting as many alternative versions as the preliminary Japanese tracklist, but this is still some great material.  And that Japanese tracklist also had the tracks that were going to make up Alone III: The Pinkerton Years, which will be released at some mysterious future date.

Also today, some quick Googling confirmed what another Japanese site posted as the tracklist for Death To False Metal, from Universal Music Canada’s Web site:

It’s likely that the two additional songs contained in the Japanese tracklist were the Japan-specific bonus songs.  We’ve been told to expect a lot of extra songs along with the album.

November 2 can’t get here fast enough.

Go To Ten Weezer Shows, See The Eleventh Free

Two months ago, I went to my tenth Weezer show, held about two miles from my house.

Tonight, I went to my eleventh Weezer show, also held two miles from my house.

Weezer played a special (free) show tonight for the local college university’s student activities group.   Supposedly, the show was restricted to students only.  But that didn’t keep me from going.  Although, I was prepared, having dragged along a current student (The Civee) and procuring a student ID from an associate.  (Gee, I don’t think I even went to shows with a fake ID when I was 19!)

As it was held on one of the campus’ open spaces, there was no problem at all to get in.  They didn’t even check IDs, rendering my two measures unnecessary.

As for the show, it was pretty much the same as the show I went to at the State Fair back in July.  They added Memories, their new single to the setlist and took off Can’t Stop Partying and Trippin’ Down the Freeway.  I was hoping it would be a little different, even mixing in some new material from Hurley.  Despite my hopes not being realized, it was still a lot of fun.  I was surprised the Kids/Pokerface medley they’ve been doing for what seems like forever got a great reaction from the crowd.

The two opening bands were local acts and were among the most forgettable opening acts I’ve ever seen.  Weezer’s set had what seemed to be a few technical difficulties, but considering my favorite band was playing two miles from my house, for free, and my lovely life willingly accompanied me, I have no complaints at all.

Not Quite the Adventures of Ben and Locke, But Close

A few years back….back during March of aught-seven in my ‘recap’ of the LOST Episode The Man from Tallahassee, I made a simple request:

Dear Lost Producers:
Can we have a whole season of Locke and Ben? Thanks.
Stay Classy,
King Tom

Well, it looks like my wish is their command.  Or something close to it.  It’s being reported in various places that NBC has ordered a pilot for a J.J. Abrams-produced show starring Terry O’Quinn (Locke) and Michael Emerson (Ben) as former black ops agents.

It’s nothing close to a LOST sequel. And while my comment was based around the (incredible) characters of Locke and Ben, we saw through the episodes since then that any scene featuring those two was golden–not only because of the characters, but also because of the actors.  There will never be another LOST.  And I’m not sure I’d even want a LOST sequel.  But even if the characters in the new show are one half as compelling as their LOST counterparts, I’ll be watching.

Michael Emerson told EW that he can’t believe his luck:

I really am AMAZED that what started out as some kidding-around on the set of LOST has turned into a network TV reality! I’m still reeling from this sudden turn of events. I’m an actor who has never even succeeded in testing for a pilot and here I find myself involved in a project custom-built for Terry and me!

This won’t totally buy forgiveness for NBC for what they did last winter, but this may get me to say good things about them again.

On a related note, I probably didn’t say it on here, but I’ve told people that once Lost and 24 were over, I wasn’t going to blog about TV shows on an episode-by-episode basis anymore.  This news has me reconsidering that.

The Best Thing That Happened To Me Today

This morning, Hope had an appointment with her pediatrician.  The Civee took Hope to the office and I met both of them there.

(For those interested, she’s growing well and the pediatrician was impressed with her expanding set of motor skills.  We were advised to start investing in gates).

As I was saying, I took some time off from work to accompany the girls to the doctor’s.  The Civee and Hope got there first.  As I walked in, I saw The Civee holding Hope and filling out paperwork.  While The Civee’s nose was buried in the paperwork, Hope looked up, saw me and smiled.  She made a noise and reached her arms out to me before The Civee even noticed.

There are still a few hours left in the day, but there’s not much that will beat that.

Also, this weekend, we (along with Grandma) took Hope to the beach (Lake Erie, not the ocean, unfortunately).  She really enjoyed trying to crawl on the sand.  Because she’s teething, she wears a bib most of the time.  That isn’t a cape around her neck.