My new footwear

So I went to the orthopedist. And while I won’t need surgery on my ankle, I won’t be able to walk for a few more weeks. I did however, get what M.C. Hammer would call “fresh new kicks.” (Although, I only got one, so it’s a fresh new kick):

pump it up

The best thing is it has that pump and valve. Just like the sneakers I wanted back in seventh grade.

Funny thing- after seeing the X-Rays, the doctor said it was the oddest break he’d ever seen. I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or not.

I get to drive again, so I’ll be back at work tomorrow.

In some of my spare time today, I wrote a new article for The Morning Toast on why weezer appeals to nerds. I don’t think they’re a nerd band, but I see the appeal. What do I know?

A victim of my own klutziness

I’m kind of immobile right now.

my foot

That’s my left foot. My ankle is broken. Happened yesterday and I don’t know how long I’ll be on the shelf for. This is what, the second or third time I’ve had to withdraw from the 2006 MLB season? They’re better off without me for the time being.

I should also take this time to thank the Civee for taking care of me (and Iron Mike for helping get my car). I drove myself to the hospital, but the Civee has done everything else.

I just hope I don’t get too surly from doing nothing over the next few days.

Bye-bye Alderaan!


Astronomers have detected a new type of cosmic outburst that they can’t yet explain.

Other aspects of the newfound eruption were inexplicable, astronomers said. It was dimmer than most. Even so, the newly spotted point of light in the sky outshines the entire galaxy in which the event occurred.

The eggheads at NASA say it’s some kind of gamma ray burst. But I think they’re missing the obvious:

the Death Star!

Sounds like we better get the eggheads working on those X-Wings.

Rise and shine campers and don’t forget your booties…

I’m really glad today is Friday.

I set my alarm to wake me up every morning at 6:17 (random time, I know). The alarm is set to the local pop station, WBNS-FM. Usually, I don’t listen to this station (except for Friday Night 80s), but I have it set there for my alarm because I don’t like waking up to a buzzer, the station doesn’t have one of those lame morning shows, and the reception on my little clock radio is decent.

Anyway, the point of this story, today is the third time this week (including yesterday) that they’ve played Green Day’s “Wake Me When September Ends” as my alarm has gone off.

Nevermind the fact that even though I like Green Day, this is my least favorite song of theirs.

As soon as I heard the song, I got up and switched the radio off, because I didn’t want to wait around and see if the idiotic radio banter was the same as yesterday. But I admit, I was a little bit paranoid until I turned on my computer and saw that today was not yesterday.

Phil: Do you know what today is?
Rita: No, what?
Phil: Today is tomorrow. It happened.
Groundhog Day

I have interesting visitors

Kind of an addendum to my earlier post (written two minutes ago) about 24.

I was looking through my sitemeter log, and today, noticed two visitors who googled “”jean smart” 24 cleavage” and “24 first lady jean cleavage”. Now, I have referred to Logan’s wife as the “First lady of cleavage” on multiple occasions. However, these two visitors didn’t stay too long. So I guess they were looking for a little bit more than a snarky nickname in text form.

Interesting people out there on the Internet.

The name is Tom. King Tom.

An open letter to the producers of the James Bond franchise:

Word on the street is that you’re starting production on the next James Bond movie, Casino Royale (v2) and you haven’t yet cast the Bond villian.

Well, allow myself to submit myself for consideration. I know you’re saying “Who is this King Tom jackass?” Well, you don’t need to know the details. But I can tell you that I would be the best Bond foe since Telly Savalas. Continue reading “The name is Tom. King Tom.”

Ask a stupid question

One of the things I do where I work is answer or forward on questions addressed to our generic e-mail address. Most of the e-mails need to be sent to one of our divisions, I field a handful of the questions, and the rest are either too bizarre or just angry e-mails that don’t warrant a response.

If I could, I would answer the ones that fell into the last category. But if I answered them in the way I wanted to, I’d probably get fired. Case in point- one e-mail I recently received:

My adult son has moved to another state. How do I fix this?

That’s it. That’s all it said. I wanted to respond: “Hire a bounty hunter. I hear Boba Fett is cheap.”

But I didn’t.

How would you respond?

Changing terms on my terms

I’ve been on the road a lot recently for work.

Wednesday, I was coming back from an event in Morgan County, and while I didn’t have much time, I needed to grab something to eat. I stopped at the Zanesville Wendy’s off I-70 (a Wendy’s I have been to many times before) to get something quick.

While eating my fingerless-chili, I was thinking that technically, I have an hour for “lunch.” And while I wasn’t taking the full hour that particular day, I have that time available to me.

The best part of it all is that while it’s a mid-day break, no one is forcing me to eat lunch during this hour. If I had wanted to, I could have toured Zanesville. I could have driven across the Y-bridge 20 times. I could have gone to the nearby state park to collect leaves. I could have done anything but eat lunch.

At that point, I decided to stop referring to the hour as my “lunch” hour. Instead, I’m going to refer to it as the “hour of me.” It’s more accurate, don’t you think?

These are the things I think about when I have a few minutes to myself. Free thought is a dangerous thing.

Political question

I try not to get political here. That said, I think the Supreme Court confirmation process is interesting- it’s history. Okay, I’m a nerd. Anyway, my question: we outlaw torture, right?

Well then why are we forcing these nominees to sit through a whole day of speeches from a group of windbag Senators? I thought the whole point of the confirmation process was to learn about the nominees, not to listen to the senators regurgitate the party line.

If the idea is to submit them to the feats of strength, well it’s too late. Festivus was last month.