The Taste of Bauer

Those wacky Brits will drink anything.


if you travel to Britain, you can buy “24 CTU,” “a new citrus-flavored stimulation drink brand,” according to this report.

It’s from Cott Corp., “one of the world’s largest non-alcoholic beverage companies” offers the drink in both regular and diet, natch.

When I think 24, I really don’t think citrus flavoring. Maybe something more along the lines of Dr. Pepper with a touch of gunpowder. And what’s with the diet version of the drink? The last thing Jack Bauer needs is a drink with fewer calories and less sugar.

While I’m on the topic of 24, I read recently that the next season probably won’t air until January aught-nine. And at this point, I can’t really say that I care too much about that one way or the other. I was really disappointed with last season, and while I’d like to see the show return to its former glory, I don’t really expect that to happen.

I think that in the past few seasons, the show killed off too many fan-favorite characters, non-fan-favorite presidents and introduced way too many plot twists at the expense of future seasons. Even some things done storywise last year felt like they were re-hashes of previous years. And it’s hard to imagine them coming up with anything new.

Another reason I don’t think the show will return to its former levels of awesomeness is recent departure of co-creator Joel Surnow. I don’t know too much about what goes on behind the scenes of the show, but when you have one of the people responsible for the show’s early success leaving, that doesn’t seem like it could be a good thing.

Oh well, at least we have memories of Jack’s awesomeness.

That wasn't the kind of "Cliffhanger" I had in mind

Day six of 24 is over.

And I’m glad.

What started out with so much promise slowly degenerated into just another television show. This season, the focus of the show moved away from Jack and the show really suffered. It got to the point where while it still was better than most of what else was on television, but not the same 24 that I would pause my life (and yell at friends and family who dared call during the show) to watch.

Anyway, about the final two hours of today:
Continue reading “That wasn't the kind of "Cliffhanger" I had in mind”

Am I watching the right show?

For the past few weeks, I’ve been going on and on about how the latest hours of 24 haven’t had enough Jack. The focus lately has been on political/legal intrigue in the White House bunker and love parallelograms at CTU. And while those are okay in the background, they cannot carry a whole episode (or multiple episodes) of 24 as they’ve been doing lately.

Tonight’s episode was boring. There were a few minutes of Jack in action near the end, but even that wasn’t enough to save this episode. In an effort to show that I think the show can do better, I have three things that should have happened this episode to have made it better:

Continue reading “Am I watching the right show?”

The Hour of Rain Man

If there’s one complaint that I’ve had about this season of 24, it’s there hasn’t been enough Jack. It feels like he’s been pushed aside in favor of focusing on the blossoming soap operas taking place at CTU and underneath the White House. And he’s only killed a handful of people. Jack Bauer has not killed this few people in a day since he was in junior high.

And so I’ve been thinking, what can, or will they do, to bring the focus back to Jack? In what way will they bring back the one-man killing squad that we’ve watched over the past six years?

The answer to those questions: team him up with Rain Man.
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It’s Eight O’Clock. Do you know where Jack Bauer is?

Wasn’t it sometime in the past few weeks (or, for that matter, multiple times in the last few weeks) that I said a certain episode of 24 didn’t have enough Jack?

Well, now it’s getting ridiculous. Tonight’s episode of 24 (a very late-feeling 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) had what had to be, at most, 15 minutes of Jack sandwiched in between CTU drama and White House bunker drama.

At least this episode had Jack flying into Bauer-rage, even if it was after hearing the news of Audrey’s death (although the King wants to know why make her death that prominent if she’s really dead). Of course, that probably means that he’ll go rogue trying to take on a billion Chinese, while Ricky Schroeder and the rest of CTU play chase the nuke. Of course, knowing it’s Jack, he’ll take care of the Chinese then step in with 15 minutes left on the season to clean up any mess CTU may have gotten itself into.

But back to tonight’s episode.
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Martha Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

So I’ve noticed that in my commentary for a few other 24 episodes this season, I’ve said something along the lines of “good episode, but it needed more Jack.” And surprise, surprise, that’s what I feel about tonight’s episode.

I don’t know if that’s some new thing they’re trying–to slowly take the focus off of Jack, or to push him out of the picture, but it’s not the move I’d make. While this season has been interesting, it definitely needs more Jack.

But then again, last year, I thought they were going to have Curtis take Jack’s place as the star of the show, so what do I know?

As usual, the promos blew the episode out of proportion, and while I didn’t think it was the most shocking moment in 24 history, I … Continue reading “Martha Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”